Made from its own special recipe, Angostura orange bitters is a complex blend of tropical oranges and spices. “The soul of an exceptional dry martini”, it is wonderfully versatile and pairs perfectly with vodka, gin and whisky. It also adds a depth of flavor to rum cocktails. Its complexity also make it a culinary must-have ingredient: a perfect accompaniment to savory sauces, seafood and chocolate.
Materials: natural flavors and spices
Made by: Angostura
Made in: Trinidad and Tobago
Specifications: 3.4 oz. (100mL)
Further Reading: German expat and surgeon general in Simon Bolivar's army, Johann Gottlieb Benjamin Siegert originally created his eponymous bitters formula as both fuel and medicinal elixir for his fellow soldiers. Beginning their commercial sale in 1824, Siegert established his own production facility in Angostura, Venezuela by 1830. Here he continued to employ the use of both familiar European and locally available ingredients. In 1875, Angostura moved their headquarters to Port of Spain, Trinidad where it remains today. This is the most commonly used bitters in the world and one of only three bitters brands to survive the dark, dry days of Prohibition.